Volume vs. Intensity –
at the beginning of season

Volume vs. Intensity – at the beginning of season

Volume vs. Intensity – at the beginning of season

Well, there are so many different views on this topic, we want to share our opinion and maybe have an impact on some of these views.

Volume (low intensity) is a very important part in each way of starting the season – we need it to build a great foundation, the aerobic system and we need it for recovery. The question in modern swimming is how much? How much travelling speed, how much race pace speed, etc. is needed?

We have one relevant fact that guides us to the plan and program, that is:

The time we have to the main competition of the current cycle!

Considering the time (in weeks) we plan the volume and put level of intensity in. It must be different according to the time we have, it may be 22/18/16 or sometimes only 12 weeks to prepare. Regarding to FitTrakker – no matter how many weeks – intensity/race pace must be part of our plan and program from the beginning.

There’s no doubt that race pace needs foundation and better race pace needs better foundation, but working too much on the foundation is killing speed and impacts hard on the energy level, on the other side working too much on race pace disturbs the development of aerobic foundation.

Be clever and never underestimate the influence of race pace and volume on the energy system!

Use the best from old school (volume) and the best from new school (race pace)!!!!